July 12th, 2020
As someone who has growen up with a computers and use them daily, I thought this web building would be a bit simpler. I have used other more user friendly sites like word square or a simpler word press. But I can tell I’m slowly getting how this formate works. Some confusion I have is how do we see others sites? How does the commenting look? I also have been empathizing for people who might struggle with this formate of virtual learning.
Reflecting on the course learning outcomes, I am looking forward to diving deeper into my own philosophy. Gaining more language to describe my ideas and philosophy as well as building on my ethics. I believe that this course will be testing us the importance of flexibility and keeping an open mind.
July 21, 2020 at 2:29 pm
I loved how you included what you look forward to learning, I am looking forward to learning more language to improve my professionalism as well.
August 3, 2020 at 8:42 pm
I find the more often I come onto wordpress, the easier it is getting… but I struggled a lot too in the beginning! I like the content too, so far… now that this part is getting easier, I’m finding I am able to focus on what we’re actually studying versus figuring out tech stuff, ha ha…